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2 min read

Embracing Scalable ABX Strategy for Business Growth

In the wake of unprecedented global challenges, the landscape of business has undergone a profound transformation. The era of uncertainty and chaos, whether stemming from political upheavals, geopolitical tensions, or health crises like the COVID-19...

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4 min read

Beast Mode – Passion and Determination Combined

Imagine; shirtsleeves rolled up, eyebrows knit together in concentration, we see our colleague making calls, tapping their keyboard with hectic...

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7 min read

What is ABG?

TOPO’s “2019 ACCOUNT BASED BENCHMARK REPORT” – which included 150 account-based organizations - showed that every participant reached or exceeded a...

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8 min read

Buyer Persona Research the Right Way for Account-Based Intelligence

What is the best way to accurately map out your buyers’ decision making process? Having a deep understanding of the buyer persona is fundamental to...

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5 min read

Finding the Perfect Agile Account-Based Marketing Partner

What we call agile account-based marketing (AABM), is a newly emerging discipline. As such, the industry of marketing service providers - agencies...

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2 min read

End-to-end from lead to close: unseating a competitor

Forming long term relationships is key to success in business. This cliché certainly holds true in a recent success of Infinityn’s client: a global...

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4 min read

Great outbound with superb account-work: the formula for unexpected wins

How does a software-solution supplier win a massive deal against a huge global competitor, who is already in the contracting phase with the buyer? It...

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6 min read

A new perspective of data visualisation

How a simple visual can change the game for your organization’s intelligence efforts.

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5 min read

Your Sales People in Flying Cars

...does it seem like a distant utopia? This will be reality sooner than you think. That is because the future is faster than you think - says none...

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3 min read

Defining Different Types of Business Transformation

The business world is shaken by the repercussions of current events and those in the near past. With our economic conditions becoming more and more...

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