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3 min read

Navigating the Changing Business Landscape with Technology and Human Connection

Evolving the SDR Role The business landscape is in constant flux, and with it, the role of the Sales Development Representative (SDR) must evolve. As...

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8 min read

Buyer Persona Research the Right Way for Account-Based Intelligence

What is the best way to accurately map out your buyers’ decision making process? Having a deep understanding of the buyer persona is fundamental to...

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5 min read

Your Sales People in Flying Cars

...does it seem like a distant utopia? This will be reality sooner than you think. That is because the future is faster than you think - says none...

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6 min read

11 classic representations of sales & marketing in film & television

Filmmakers have romanticized the sales profession time and time again. Cinematic portrayals have deified, humanized, vilified and lionized the...

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3 min read

Helping Industrials through Digital Transformation and Automation

The industrial sector seems to experience major lags regarding digitalization and automation – the latest trend that is currently defining the...

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1 min read

Why is Sales the Best 1st Job? Workshop

We’re happy to announce that we’ll be hosting a sales workshop at Corvinus University of Budapest and we’re looking forward to seeing you all there....

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6 min read

How to Define a Sales-Qualified Lead

Lead Qualification & Complex Enterprise Sales Will the prospect progress through the sales cycle? That’s the question that every sales organization...

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7 min read

How to salvage your cancelled corporate VIP event

Flexible strategies to ensure that your sales & marketing efforts still deliver in the wake of Covid-19

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5 min read

How Agile Account-Based services contribute to bottom line revenue

Account-based marketing has been all the rage in the B2B world with big promises, new lingo, new buzzwords. We’ve been finding that it isn’t always...

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4 min read

A new business structure for scaling enterprise growth: Growth Process Outsourcing

Growth process outsourcing is BPO for complex sales and marketing processes. Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a familiar term for most in the...

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